Teacher of the Year

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Kristen Carmona is an extraordinary preschool teacher that you will always find engaging with children in her classroom.  Kristen portrays exceptional positive attributes throughout her work including caring, compassion, and a passion for teaching young children.  Her passion shines through in her daily interactions and her outstanding classroom learning environment. When you enter Kristen's classroom environment,  hands-on learning opportunities are visible, and she creates WOW experiences daily for both children and parents. Kristen leads by example and has created a strong classroom team and is always willing to go above and beyond for her children.  Kristen is nominated for this award for her innovative teaching strategies and the positive impact that she makes towards preparing children for success in Kindergarten and beyond.   Kristen is truly an asset to our CCOE - Children's Services program and we are proud to recognize her exceptional work!

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Lisa Evans has been an unsung hero for students with disabilities during her entire time at CCOE, which began in 2001.  She serves students in every district, which includes multiple school sites, having to collaborate with numerous other staff to ensure the needs of her students are met. Even with these obstacles, her unwavering commitment to the success of every student is truly admirable. Lisa's creativity in adapting activities and her ability to motivate and inspire her students to reach their fullest potential are unparalleled.  She is also a strong advocate of inclusion and ensuring her students get the same opportunities as their peers. Beyond her outstanding teaching abilities, Lisa's nurturing personality and genuine care for each student shine through in everything she does. Lisa epitomizes the qualities of an outstanding educator and is well-deserving of the recognition of being Teacher of the Year.

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Bob Kirkman works relentlessly with a passion for our S. William Abel Academy and Adult Transition Program students.  He is able to make learning about art fun through his unwavering energy and his ability to connect with students.